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mfogliato’s Details

June 13



Member Since:
18 years ago

Last Login:
13 years ago

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About mfogliato
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About Me:

*** I am a clever, interesting, adventure... good talk... funny and serious @ the same time... cultured, well educated & travelled... *** I work within Communication & Design area. *** Enjoy going out as much as I enjoy staying in... I can be sophisticated if it's required... but I know how to enjoy very simple things. *** Five things I can't live without: my freedom, my communication skills, my courage to change (flexibility & adaptability), the loved ones and my capacity of analysing myself, others and life in general. *** Maybe I suffer from the 'homesick syndrome' since I'm always around... building a new home... time there, time here, time who knows where... but am always connected to my real friends and people I love... people who once shared life with me and are always prepared to give it another shot. *** I try to think positive since negative is already too negative... I do think big, I dream. Once, years ago in London a friend said: Marco, you must dream high, you can only turn into reality 20% of each dream... so, as high as you dream as high as you get! - True, think about. *** Other than that... life is great, thinking is wonderful, meeting different people and cultures is simply my philosophy... being myself in every occasion is my answer... questions?... yes... thousands of them... they come with life and experiences... lots of experiences in everyway you can... - Nobody, not a God, not a friend, nobody will come to you when you are 90 years old telling you can go back time and be 20, 30, 40, etc again... either you live your life in full now or you don't! (my say) - Passions: Intelligent and interesting people, Stockholm, London and the other places I lived in, my innumerous trips around this world, my mum, my friends, my PC, sex... and so on... *** If you feel like, please do not hesitate in contacting me. We can at least become friends :-)


*** Watching Videos, playing around with programs and media tools on my computer, designing, working on pics, writing, travelling, socialising.


*** Don't really have time for it but could mention Sex and the City (it's too bad it's finished), BBC documentaries, BBC News, Channel 4, LEXX (Canadian/German Sci-Fiction), Absolutely Fabulous, French & Saunders, etc...


*** Intelligent ones... It doesn't matter the gender but the theme, production, acting, photography, camera movements, editing, story and so on...


*** MADONNA SPECIAL ( is a YouTube space created to get Madonna's admires together. A place to share Madonna's original videos, performances, compilations, reports, and so on.

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