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  • Network: CBS
  • Updated: 10 years ago
  • Videos: 668
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  • 01:26
    Jackson's Mom Named Guardian

    A judge has made some key rulings in Michael Jackson's estate battle, and so far they're in favor of his mother. Manuel Gallegus has the latest from outside court in Los Angeles.

    • Aired: 08/03/2009
    • Views: 1188
    • By: CBS
  • 01:40
    NASCAR Turning New Leaf

    The NASCAR race season is moving into the final stretch, but the top drivers have more than the checkered flag in sight. As Hari Sreenivasan reports, the gas guzzling sport is cleaning up its act.

    • Aired: 08/03/2009
    • Views: 511
    • By: CBS
  • 01:13
    Emergency Plane Landing

    It was a rough and scary morning for passengers on board a Continental Flight to Houston. Severe turbulence injured dozens of passengers and forced an emergency landing. Drew Levinson reports.

    • Aired: 08/03/2009
    • Views: 779
    • By: CBS
  • 01:07
    NASCAR's Vickers Goes Green

    NASCAR Sprint Cup driver, Brian Vickers speaks about the gas guzzling sport cleaning up their act and the importance of helping the environment.

    • Aired: 08/03/2009
    • Views: 383
    • By: CBS
  • 00:48
    NASCAR Driver Embraces Hybrids

    NASCAR Sprint Cup driver Carl Edwards speaks about the country's embracement of the hybrid technology, and also goes on to mention his investment in a hybrid Ford Fusion.

    • Aired: 08/03/2009
    • Views: 243
    • By: CBS
  • 02:05
    Travel Ban Challenge

    They bill themselves as "the oldest Cuba solidarity organization in the world". The Venceremos brigade defies the U.S. Government ban on most travel to Cuba. Portia Siegelbaum has more.

    • Aired: 08/03/2009
    • Views: 156
    • By: CBS
  • 01:28
    Wheeler "Disoriented" Before His Death?

    A parking attendant says she saw Washington defense expert John Wheeler III before his body was discovered in a Wilmington landfill. She says he was unable to find his car and appeared disoriented. KY more »

    • Aired: 01/05/2011
    • Views: 235
    • By: CBS
  • 00:40
    Katie Couric Dot Com Promo

    Katie Couric will host a live web cast on April 29th about President Obama's first 100 days in office. Couric encourages you to get involved by taking the 20 second challenge.

    • Aired: 04/20/2009
    • Views: 293
    • By: CBS
  • 03:09
    Newly Discovered Mozart Works

    "CBS News RAW": Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's momentous legacy grew recently as researchers unveiled two piano pieces recently identified as childhood creations by the legendary composer.

    • Aired: 08/02/2009
    • Views: 305
    • By: CBS
  • 00:35
    Caught On Tape: Prison guard beats suspect

    Authorities at the Charleston County Sheriff's Office have released video of a detention officer repeatedly punching a female suspect in the face during a booking at the Charleston County Detention Ce more »

    • Aired: 03/15/2011
    • Views: 568
    • By: CBS

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