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The guys/gals advice club

It's finally here! A club where everyone can get together and discuss their emotions, problems, get advice, make friends, and hey-we got anime! We won't discriminate against gender, religion, sexual orientation,race or any of that good stuff.Let the advice begin! ^ ^

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21 - 30 of 38 Replies
added: 15 yrs ago


hhheeeehh. grosses u out huh. i can see what u mean from ur point of view. anyways to each their own. and very thoughtful of u, adopting kids (btw by this point i was bout to type in "kings" by accident instead of "kids" XP) well GL with that. in a good way. uh....yea wth else was i going to type....meh i forgot.

added: 15 yrs ago

lalagirl3 manager

haha thanks! I appreciate it kind sir!

added: 15 yrs ago


Interesting for years I guess all you can do is be their and support her through her troubles and I guess try to find happiness in the mundane things of life like playing games relaxing and I guess taking some time to smell those roses go to the Beach and chill. (also Could be Winter Depression) So much lifelessness can sometimes get to us

added: 15 yrs ago


believe me tho. When karoke is out with the drinks. I know everyone loves to sing when their drunk as hell. So when drunk and singing. There is 2 mics btw. so I am telling you how I used to do it with my friends. Sing 2 lines then let the other person sing 2 lines. Believe me when ya'll are drunk ya'll set loose, ya'll will have fun. When people are feeling emotional for like the loving theres like boys2men( since is english i pick this) if ya'll feel like choking a b***H (as i mean old ex'es) theres a few eminem songs. When you guys missing a old loved one thats passed away. There is Tupac - life goes on. Set your emotions out. I bet there will be a korean / japanese / chinese karoke bar / rooms. Rooms only cost like 15-20 bucks a/hour. Believe me other nationality karoke has lots of english songs.

added: 15 yrs ago


You have like Japanese karaoke bars there in America??!I 'm envy of you.I wish we had ,too.Maybe we do have in Athens,I don 't know,but that 's not the point.But drink yourself out??!Realx.Aren 't we too young to?There are other ways to man.Drinking might be an easy way,but for the girl lalagirl is talking about it might become a habit of hersto make her forget her depression and all.And then I tell you one word...ALCOHOLIC!

added: 15 yrs ago


if ur friends parents r divorced then shes blaming it on herself an wen that happens depression kicks in an she start feeling sry for herself an the only way u can help is just b by her side

added: 15 yrs ago

lalagirl3 manager

I never drink with my friend who's depressed anyway, she can't really hold her alcohol to well. And actually, I've never heard of any japanese karaoke bars where I live 0_0 but if there are any that would be sweet!

added: 15 yrs ago


Ah okay then.I 'm really sorry If I offended you.But when you say ''she drinks to well'' what exactly do you mean.That she drinks or not?

added: 15 yrs ago

lalagirl3 manager

no no you didn't offend me! and when I say she can't hold her alcohol to well it means that when she does drink she gets drunk really fast and then gets really sick. 0_0

added: 15 yrs ago


uh....bout the kareoke thing, there r some but their kindsa hard to find. and lol she cant hold her liqor heh. anyways yea there r other ways to have fun, relax and forget bout ur problems. though some booze and some greens from time to time aint bad either XD still shouldnt become a habit though

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