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The guys/gals advice club

It's finally here! A club where everyone can get together and discuss their emotions, problems, get advice, make friends, and hey-we got anime! We won't discriminate against gender, religion, sexual orientation,race or any of that good stuff.Let the advice begin! ^ ^

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11 - 20 of 23 Replies
added: 15 yrs ago


I am Zach I am caucasian and I like to draw and uh play video games and normal teenage shit oh yea im in 9th grade

added: 15 yrs ago


I'm Jared, currently going to college. I enjoy playing video games, watching anime, going on crazy road trips and hanging out with friends. Im not very shy and I get along with pretty much everyone, i hate conflicts and i love making people laugh. :P I'm a really friendly person so if your ever bored or looking for a new friend feel free to send me a message or friend invite. :D

added: 15 yrs ago


wow u relly made cool um im a person who seems to never stop being bored im laid back wierd and im a asome gamer!!! (go halo)

added: 15 yrs ago


Well if you know me IRL. I am loud, obnoxious, and hated. I talk alot, and I got clothes all over the floor on my room. I usually just wear swets and jackets with wife beaters during the winter time. I am 21, I cook for a living got my bachelors degree. Mostly interest into one piece + skip beat. And I know majority of the people in here are anime fans.

added: 15 yrs ago


hhhhhhmmmmmm well i guess i'm posative person! like's eny type of weopon like's to think about complacted thoeirs eg time trave and what would happen if yadeyadeyada....... o and i love to read!!!!, draw, paint and cristals!! XD nice to meet u!!

added: 15 yrs ago


whats up i'm a welder i work on the oil rig's befor thay go out to sea plus i run a street fighter club to teach ppl in to becoming fighter to protect there loved one's and them self or if thay choose the path of power and want to be the best also i'm a kic back dude and if there's anything u have a problem like in drugs,fighting,realationships any thing u can talk with me about it k well later

added: 15 yrs ago


Well,I 'm from Greece if that hepls and not kidding.I 'm a very weird person.I can be happy this minute or this day and the other can de sad.It 's the beinga teenager thing which totally gets in my nerves.Forgot to mention that I 'ma n 8th grader,very creative person,a good-listener(and that 's why I think of being a psychologist when I grow up),LOVE watching anime and reading manga as well as helping people with anything anime or amnga realted(from lyrics to downloads).I 'm also VERY talkative anda REALLY nevrotic person.It 's just that I get nervous with nothing.It 's really annoying.And I like making friends,but these days it 's hard to find them.And a funny thing about me is that when I get to know somebdy at first I can 't see them at their eyse,so I look down.Especialllyt with boys.But it sometimes doesn 't happen.So that makes me shy,too.

added: 15 yrs ago


well my lifes dull i live in the uk im in yr 10 im male i have lots of friends i like meeting new ppl and going town geting drunk and just hanging out evrey day with my friends im normly the most cheerful of my friends but when i get upset evrey 1 knows about it, ow and im dislexic so my speling is realy bad sry ow and most of my friends are gay like me :/

added: 15 yrs ago


aa im next im a normal girl who thinks about things to much im hopin to get in to a computer coures after I leave school and also love beenin wit my friends but im shy around new people

added: 15 yrs ago


I'm pretty talkative at times, Play video games. I plan on getting a masters in computer sciences and a minor in math. I like reading, writing poetry, watching anime. I play violin and Electric guitar. I'm in a band. I speak and read Japanese at an ok level.

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