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Moon Gazers

This Group is mostly devoted to my writing career as Emma Moon. If you want to share your own talents in writing do it here too! Feel free to add stuff, it also is for things related to what my writings are about... Medieval Times, Paranormal, Fantasy...

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 1 yr ago

MousieSoshie manager

In darkness the light seemed to not exist, yet I knew it was there waiting for me. My feet moved to their own accord taking me to a place unknown. I should have been scared but in that darkness I found comfort. In the dark I could see no pain, no war, no sadness. It was safe in the dark.> 'Why?' A distant voice whispered. >'Why What?' I replied in confusion.> 'Why be satisfied to exist in the dark?' The gentle voice whispered. 'In the dark you can see no joy, no friendship, no love.'

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added: 15 yrs ago

MousieSoshie manager

That took me off guard. I had not realized that I was walking in a state that felt nothing but safety. Sure, in the dark I couldn't get hurt but I also couldn't find any true enjoyment in it.> 'Yes, my child, in the light you will feel pain, experience war and feel sadness but you will give up your opportunity to live. You give up an chance to feel joy, experience friendship and know the gentle embrace of love.'>

added: 15 yrs ago

MousieSoshie manager

'Oh.' I now knew that in this darkness, where I have dwelt, I learned to be content with the emptiness in my soul but I was far from being happy.> 'Come into the light, child.' The voice told me. 'You can not simply exist, for what purpose is there in just existing? Chose to live, my child and even though life may bring some pain, it will also bring you joy and love. Remember to give what you wish to recieve so that it may come to you ten fold. To live is an adventure worth the taking.'>

added: 15 yrs ago

MousieSoshie manager

I knew the voice was right. I knew that dwelling in the darkness brought nothing and I brought nothing to it. So I took that step, a step not aimless but with intent and I walked towards the light for the first time, knowing that I not only walked towards that which might hurt me but also to that which would finally bring light into my soul, into my life. I chose to stop wandering in this safe place that was empty and to purposfully live my life.

added: 15 yrs ago

MousieSoshie manager

The End - By Mousie Soshie > This was just written on a whim, so I hope it makes sense ^_^

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