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Manga Readers + Anime Fans

A group for all Manga Readers and ANYTHING ANIME Rules: Please be a active member! You can also invite friends too. But remember: Dont break the forum rules! Freedomno1 Feel Free To make topics ^^ And add Funny Videos Too

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added: 15 yrs ago


Hi, i love anime and manga, it is my hobby and i stand to it , come whatever. Yes there are really only a few anime and manga fans. And people who call it weird should grow up, they are some kidies in their heads. And the persons who call mangareaders freaks or nerds want just to be cool and get some attention because they don’t get it on any other way. So don’t listen to them, let it just in one ear in and through the other out. Personally i know only two persons who like anime and manga, these are my brother and a friend. It is a hobby like any other.

added: 15 yrs ago


i think that if you like anime than thats you you shouldnt be ashamed of likeing anime and if other people are jsut to hid who they are they will never find true friends..and if u are looking for somthiong eles fro yourself jsut caz you want to fit in i advise not to do it jsut be you and even if u get picked on fight therw it and be you until the very end..and if you like anime that dosent make u a nerd or a freaky person that makes you you and if anime is what you like than anime is whay you like and i noticed there are 2 groupes of ppl in anime the very friendly nice ones and the dark and quiet ones but the are nice as well many anime fans are good friends so dont try to change...and if u ask me waht do i think of anime its somthing to diffrent to many diffrent ppl and im not good at chosing things so if if i had to anime would be to me a good sorce of inspiering beautiful intersing action dram mistory cultuer history(historical fiction that is) wonderful intertanment that can bering you many friends^^

added: 15 yrs ago


well for one thing i doubt someone who doesnt like anime would join this group but anyway to the question one of the key reasons people like anime is cause it doesnt have to be realistic it can be whatever it wants personally nothing but anime will fill peoples sword fighting,magic using,monster slaying desires. so really anime is better than anything else on t.v to an extent until it gets weird >.> (cosplay, seriously thats just freaky)

added: 15 yrs ago


anime is AWSOME!!!!i talk about it 24/7(and i waste all my money buying cosplay ect on ebay)people get mad at me alot about never shuting up about it but i dont care cause i have 2 friends that like it and the internet!!!

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