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Vampire Knight Fan Club!

This is a group for a fan club for the famous Vampire Knight Series!!!!! lol. ^-^ i hope to meet a lot of new people and make many new friends! ^-^ Zero-kun is my favorite so none of u can have him, lol just kidding! see u there! *or am i kidding about Zero-kun..........NO, lol*

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added: 14 yrs ago
updated: 14 yrs ago


hey does anyone now a VK site? a week ago I bumped into a very nice VK side you van download the whole VK series,pics, character profiles anything but I can't find it back -_-" I was so stupid to not put in the favorites. anyone an idea?

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 14 yrs ago


The anime of Vampire Knight has indeed come to an end just recently this week But it cannot truly be over until us fans SAY it is over!! And the majority of us say it is NOT over and must MUST continue! Please join the battle of fighting for a 3rd season of Vampire Knight by signing the petition below: html Please send this on to as many people as you know! VK is not finished until we say so! By signing you are guranteeing that there WILL be a 3rd Season!! SO SIGN... Thankyou for your time ^-^ VK SEASON 3 FTW!! XD

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago


hi all did somewone know if the creators of vampire knigth and vampire knigth guilty are ging to make a continuation pls reply m i want to know if theyre gonna make another

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if you have been keeping up with the manga and the anime you will see that the anime is rapidly catching up with the manga. possibility one: normally when this happenes the anime company will just add in a buch of pointless filler episodes so the manga can get ahead. unfortunately the vampire knight manga comes out once every month so it would take about a year at least for the manga to catch up. possibility two; when this part of the vampire knight saga is over that it for the series witch also isnt good. possibility three: the manga will continue and the anime will continue but the storyline will go in to separate directions. this might end up bad for the anime because it is biased on the manga chapters witch have been thought out for an entire month so the storyline wouldn't be as throughout and well developed i want to know what you think about this and tell me wat you think could happen

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 14 yrs ago


Hey guys, if you had the chance to be a vampire would you take it?

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago


chapter 45 of the vampire knight manga came out check it out here:

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well i want kaname and yuuki to be together. They belonged with each other. I also want yuuki and zero too but kaname seems better for her. Kaname rules!!! Go get her kaname. Tell me what you think?

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago


ok something realy realy important happens on the 7th guilty episode of vampire knight and if you watch the raw before the subbed comes out you will riun the whole thing. the people who have read the manga know why....

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago


I have a channel under my account here at veoh that has all the vampire night videos up to the 3rd episode in the 2nd season. You more than welcome to watch them of Subcribe to the channel. Hope I was of help to you Knight Fans! Sorry its not dubbed in english but subbed.

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago


the whole stroy line revolves around her and she never knows a thing of wats going on

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