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Shinjuku Station

A library for music videos and concert footage from East Asia (Korea/China/Japan/Philippines). Covers and remixes by original people are ok too.

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added: 16 yrs ago
updated: 1 yr ago

ShishioKagezuchi manager

In this game, in your post you grant but also ruin/corrupt the wish of the last person who posted a wish, then post your own wish to be corrupted by someone else! It's pointless! Try to make an incorruptible wish! Here's I's go's: I wish I had my own Chocobo (a giant chicken like bird in Final Fantasy you can ride around on).

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added: 16 yrs ago


i wish i had a chocoboeater (lol)

added: 16 yrs ago


I wish I had I chain of Chocoboeater Slaghter houses!

added: 16 yrs ago

ShishioKagezuchi manager

You get your slaughterhouses but they put you on the conveyor belt. I wish I was a pirate.

added: 16 yrs ago


granted but i am your captain :D (ooh just love this game =D) i wish for more poking =)

added: 16 yrs ago


I wish I knew what the hell that last wish ment!

added: 16 yrs ago

ShishioKagezuchi manager

I could go the easy route and say you get poked with spears, BUT instead you get more poking but its with stinky, slimy rotten banannas that attract a lot of vicious and rabid baboons who eat your skin. I wish I had x-ray vision ><

added: 16 yrs ago


granted but with this x-ray vision you lose your sight..and somehow get stuck staring at things you never wanted to see =0 (poor poor you ;p) i wish i had some tasty ice cream!

added: 16 yrs ago

ShishioKagezuchi manager

I could take the easy road and say it was poisoned; but it'd be more fun to say it was my ice cream; full of truth serum: thats why it was so delicious to cover up the taste of that! Now you and several other unfortunate ice-cream-lovers have admitted all their deepest secrets and desires to me, and I will blackmail you all for all life! U and everyone who ate said my ice cream= mah slave! I wish I had a Death Note...?

added: 16 yrs ago


I won't go with the story, instead I'll say that your shinigami really did accidentally dropped the Note into the place you were, and tries everything to make your life miserable to get it back. Even make you comitt suicide. I wish to stop deforestation.

added: 16 yrs ago

ShishioKagezuchi manager

WISH GRANTED. But deforestation was not a bad thing; it was a conspiracy of the secret world government to stop an invading race of sentient tree beings called Trillians; evil plants who devour people. The Trillians take over the forests and multiply before devastating much of the human race. After 20 years of battling us people, they learn to take over everyday plants and destroy our crops, which become man-eating poisonous corn, potatoes, and other vegetables. Eventually mankind is forced to live on the oceans as the land has become too hostile; a plot of grass could come to life and kill you. But its not so bad cuz now you're a pirate, and hollowichigopwnsall4evah is our captain. Avast ye, matey! I wish I more coconut-like food.

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