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added: 15 yrs ago


Naruto will kick Sasukes ass at this point. Narutos new jistu is freakin AWSOME and can do some major damage and isn't completed so Sasuke better make uses of his eyes(no spoilers). Lady Tsuande is the weakest between Jiriya and kakashi so she is SHIT if she goes up against pein unless she uses some sort of jistu we never seen before

added: 15 yrs ago


maybe just a guess but naruto and sasuke might fight,tie,then decide 2 rebuild the village like madara and the 1st hokaga did(info might b off but....)

added: 15 yrs ago


naruto is strong with his new technique but he hasn't mastered it yet so at this point i think they are almost tied with sasuke having a slight advantage with his Mangekyo Sharingan. Now when it comes to lady tsuande and pain battling I'm not sure who would win because tsuande is stronger than a lot of people give her credict for. But my only question is when do you think they will have their fight?

added: 15 yrs ago


she should be fighting in a few chapters but the thing is jiraya couldnt beat pein but tsunade might have some hidden moves(u know how like in all animes the character gets a brand new move just in time and it is perfect for the situation) and maybe even tie with one of peins bodies but another thing in her favor is that she knows the secret to peins powers

added: 15 yrs ago


Pain just blew whole konoha to oblivion xD well, probably not, the frog's summon most likely saved the day. concerning who would win in a naruto/sasuke fight. If naruto mastered senjutsu, he would be a good match. however MS seems just way too overpowered, one Amaterasu or tsukuyomi should do the trick for sasuke.

added: 15 yrs ago


naruto is on his way back to the village bcuz his master noticed that 1 of the frogs names dissapeared from the list which means trouble for konaha(a bit to late since pein just obliterated like 85% of the village in 1 shot

added: 15 yrs ago


so im confused why is everyone depending on naruto to come back to the village even though pain is 10xs stronger than him. Does he have another new jutsu?

added: 15 yrs ago


well right now there is no village and when i say that i mean pein just completely left a crater in the leaf village well the crater was the eaf village and so far the only one to get out of the rubble is sakura so even if naruto comes back i doubt he will win alone

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