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  • Updated: 6 years ago
  • Videos: 26
  • Viewable: US Only

Glass Fleet

In the dark reaches of time and space, an age of oppression smothered the masses, a revolution stirs as the People's Army rises up to begin their march toward freedom. Led by Michel Volban, a heroic rebel of stout heart, they seek a true victory for the people! They seek to cast off the reigns of the self-proclaimed Holy Emperor, Vetti Sforza. Head of a corrupt ruling class, Vetti will attempt to unite the very heavens under his rule! As a hero is sought from among the stars, one arrives with the glint of glass against the galaxies. Cleo Corbeille, Pilot of a sleek battleship of long lost technologies and its rogue crew of pirates, descendent of the fallen Royal Family. Together, they might fail, but they will not go quietly! Two men, two souls, both driven by the same prophecy.

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  • 23:19
    Glass Fleet - s1e26 - Like an Ovation
    Episode: 26

    The final battle for freedom is fought at the edge of the Cross-Star, and the victor may not matter as the galaxy swirls toward apocalypse.

  • 23:36
    Glass Fleet - s1e25 - Like a Blood Edict
    Episode: 25

    The thunder of war has reached a deafening pitch and all the souls wrapped up in the conflict and prophecy are making preparations to face their destiny head on.

  • 23:36
    Glass Fleet - s1e24 Like Bloodshed
    Episode: 24

    Emperor Vetti's has stormed off into space, in search of the answer to an unanswerable riddle!

  • 23:36
    Glass Fleet - s1e23Like Scarlet
    Episode: 23

    The People's Army seeks to solidify its base of power, but their goal can only be obtained by collaborating with the territorial lords.

  • 24:09
    Glass Fleet - s1e22 Like Adoration
    Episode: 22

    In the vast reaches of space, insignificant events can have greater impact. Due to such, Eimer's brash nature drove the youth from home and hearth.

  • 23:36
    Glass Fleet - s1e21 - Like a House of Cards
    Episode: 21

    The bloody reality of the incessant war comes into sharp focus as the leaders of the People's Army take shelter in BB's territory of Bardeaux.

  • 23:36
    Glass Fleet - s1e20 - Like a Royal Road
    Episode: 20

    Comrades are mourned and laid to rest, and the true cost of freedom proves heavy on one's soul.

  • 23:36
    Glass Fleet - s1e16 - Like an Epoch
    Episode: 16

    The remnants of the People's Army once again find themselves at the mercy of B.B.'s whims, her shrewd nature perhaps the key to rising up once more against Vetti's forces!

  • 23:36
    Glass Fleet - s1e14 Like Daybreak
    Episode: 14

    Cleo stirs from his battered slumber in the depths of a dank prison cell. Bruised but alive, the revolution is now on hold.

  • 23:36
    Glass Fleet - s1e13 - Like a Labyrinth
    Episode: 13

    Michel Volban's desperate search for one that would lead the People's Army to freedom and Cleo's solemn vow to return the Royal Family to glory were at once one path and also untangled.

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