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The Three Letter Game SP
This is a special featured on the drama, Marumaru Chibi Maruko-chan, in which Maruko's cast goes against the Ikemen Paradise (Hana Kimi)'s cast in a three "letter" game. The way the game works is such, much like word association, each player must come up with a three letter word (san moji) that starts with the last letter of the previous word IE: Ri-n-go -> Go-n-gu -> Gu-n-te -> etc -> etc In the final round, the longer you play, the faster the song and the harder it is to come up with new words that DO NOT end with the same letter that started the game and only have three words. IE: You can not end a word in " go " because the game started with " go " and you can not have a word that has more than three words " Zu-k-ko-ke " Anyway, I'd sub it but I don't have time to XD Enjoy
Videos by Ladymercury