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Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core [ENGLISH GAMEPLAY]
Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core. English gameplay footage, courtesy of yours truely! Before anyone asks, NO - The English game is not out at this time (22nd March). It is due for NA release on the 25th, if I recall correctly. NO - I will not tell you how I have it, or where you can get it. YES - I am playing the game on my PSP Slim, with CFW 3.90, using the RemoteJoy plugins for direct-to-PC video and sound. Once the game is displaying on my desktop, I use VirtalDub to capture and compressthe video, and then Windows Movie Maker to further compress and add a few effects to neaten the whole thing up a bit. YES - Crisis Core is every FF7 fan's wet dream come true. It really lives up to the hype. Go and preorder it if you like my short demonstration - I certainly have! :D Hope you enjoy this! Leave me a comment if you do. Who knows, I may even be encouraged to make a few more videos, perhaps even upload some tutorials for the trickier minigames/boss fights in the game. Let me know! ;P
Videos by Moogiefluff