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The Jack Benny Program #130: Lunch Counter Murder (Season 11, Episode 7)
Jack's monologue concerns the previous night's bachelor party. Dennis does not want to sing because Duryea got the star dressing room. His mother has thrown Duryea out of the room. The sketch is entitled 'Death across the lunch counter, or He died sunnyside up.' Jack plays Charleston T. Gundlefinger, a counterman in a diner. Don plays the police chief. It is midnight, and Jack is nervous because a man was murdered across the street the week before. Three toughs (Duryea, Day and Nelson) come in and intimidate Jack. The police chief is no help. Benny shoots Duryea and Day, but Nelson turns out to be the interior decorator. Guest stars: Benny Rubin (1st customer), Frank Nelson (Interior Decorator) , Verna Felton (Dennis' mother), Colin Campbell (2nd customer), Dan Duryea (Himself), Dick Kallman. First aired: 12/4/1960.
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