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GONE - A teenage girl is missing! . Written by Lucinda McNary and Danielle Brittany McNary when she was only 13. Danielle also stars in this movie. Two teenage girls are missing. What happens to them and how they handle the events in their lives will surprise you. Starring in order of appearance: Sean Blanco, Mark McNary, Lucinda McNary, Danielle Brittany McNary, Josh Peterson, Roger Burlong-Strange, Alex Burlong-Strange, Dick Swayze, Synnah, Rocuro, Stephen Aument, Sadi Ranson_Polizzotti,Felishia Hartman. Written by Lucinda McNary, Danielle McNary. Amy's Dialogue by Felishia Hartman. This movie is a comedy,mystery, drama and a musical all rolled up into one.
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