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Mosaic News - 1/26/09: World News From The Middle East
Mosaic is a Peabody Award-winning daily compilation of television news reports from the Middle East, including Egypt, Lebanon, Israel, Syria, the Palestinian Authority, Iraq and Iran. Al-Shabab Muslim Group Seizes Somali Town of Baidoa Al Jazeera TV, Qatar Israel is Facing Water Shortage IBA TV, Israel Hamas, Fatah hold reconciliation talks in Cairo Al Arabiya TV, UAE Rafah crossing remains open Nile TV, Egypt Palestinian girl lost 29 members of her family Syria TV, Syria Will israel's crimes be taken to the ICC? Al-Alam TV, Iran Reconstruction efforts in Gaza remain slow Saudi TV, Saudi Arabia Gaza Tunnels up and running again Al Jazeera English, Qatar BBC under fire over refusal to show Gaza fundraising appeal Press TV, Iran
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