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UFO's Over Earth - The Bucks County Flap.divx
UFOs Over Earth Discovery Space Special Feature Nov. 24, 2008 - UFOs. Extraterrestrial intelligence. Alien abductions. Whether a believer, a skeptic or somewhere in between, these words are sure to conjure a bit of curiosity.In a new series called UFOs Over Earth, the Discovery Channel puts you intoe shoes of UFO investigators as they search for evidence of extraterrestrial funny business. UFOs over Earth will take you behind the scenes with UFO investigator interviews, expert opinions about alien life, videos of the show and more. Experts IM Interview With a UFO Investigator - Discovery Space producer Dave Mosher sits down with John Ventre of the Mutual UFO Network. My Take: Do Astronomers Believe in Aliens? - Phil Plait of the Bad Astronomy blog gives his take on the existence of aliens.
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