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Iraq Star TV Coverage
TV Coverage 1 KESQ-TV (KESQ.COM) Coverage of Iraq Star by KESQ-TV (KESQ.COM) This segment covers Iraq Star's first patient, Staff Sgt. Paul McQuigg. The Iraq Star Foundation was started this year in California by Maggie Lockridge as a way to pay back soldiers who put their lives on the line. The organization estimates that more than 24,000 American soldiers have returned from Iraq with injuries ranging from mild scarring to severe disfigurement. Lockridge, a U.S. Air Force Nurse Corps veteran of the Vietnam War, said a soldier who lost 60 percent of his tongue had it reconstructed by a physician in Missouri. Another veteran who lost half his nose is in the process of being helped in California. Although the title mentions only Iraq, veterans of Afghanistan also are eligible. Volunteers Needed. See video at
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