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"My quote is that there is know possible way I could ever think of a quote because I'd forget it in 2 seconds!"

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WickedBear713 | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (105)

Great profile, I sent u a friend invite.

Posted 16 years ago

xgemx | Videos (0) | Channels (0) | Favorites (0) |
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OMFG i had a pet rat and a pet gunnie pig(spelling??) and a rabbit, and a cat and 4 goldfish ur not near weird!! i live eiffel im blue da ba dee da ba die!! yay! ohh and once the pet rat bit me, lmao almost lost a finger there.

Posted 16 years ago

aviana’s Details

June 11


novato, california

Member Since:
16 years ago

Last Login:
14 years ago

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About aviana
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About Me:

Most people think I'm wierd because I have a pet rat but their really cute! The people who don't think I'm wierd because I have a pet rat think I'm wierd because I can make strange noises. Anyone that's left are probably nice people who don't want to hurt my feelings! The only exceptions to my chart of people are the people who love anime as much as I do!


I hate reading really long books but when it comes to manga I could sit down and read it for about 5 or 6 hours straight! With anime I just sit at the computer all day beause I can barely find any good ones on TV! My interests are anime and manga in short


I like the mythbusters and the scifi channel. I was practically raised on cheesy scifi flics so I guess I grew a taste for them. I pretty much just criticize them so it becomes more of a comedy than a scifi movie. Mythbusters is really funny too!


I love the movie Hackers! It's about this group of boys that are being hunted down because they were framed and how they hack their way out of the situation. It's a kinda old movie but that it's still great!


I like cascada and eiffel 69. To be more specific I like the songs love again, bad boy, and blue. I also like it's the end of the world! I don't know who sings it but you should really check it out!

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