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"Bokuwa tenshi no neko....:3 wagashiwa ai tenshi <3 <3 <3"

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gerald2000001 | Videos (0) | Channels (2) | Favorites (54) |
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Posted 15 years ago

mjmegaplay | Videos (15) | Channels (1) | Favorites (100) |
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trust me when I say, if gerald heard that, chills would go up her spine. I don't know the history between you two, but obsession is quite different from admiration. I'm simply putting that little piece of advice out there for ya since I don't know you well enough to understand your true feelings. Just make sure your feelings aren't something else ^_- As for KH, thanks for the offer, but it seems not much can be done for now until I can get out of hell.

Posted 15 years ago

mjmegaplay | Videos (15) | Channels (1) | Favorites (100) |
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oh, and as for Gerald ^_^' you may not wish to be so blatant with liking her. Girls like guys who admire them, but being praised in such a way as in your "about tenshinoneko" is slightly embarrassing and over the top for the girl. I'm saying this because I'm a guy myself and (oddly enough) I know what girls expect in a guy. Trust me when I say, she'll visit your page a lot more if you cut back on the "I LOVE YOU GERALD! XD" a tiny bit. From one guy to another, it's your choice to accept the advice that you didn't ask for.

Posted 15 years ago

mjmegaplay | Videos (15) | Channels (1) | Favorites (100) |
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ah yes, the recorded message I sent 3 months ago. At the moment, Kurowa-san and I have gone into a severe drawback on time and fun (Especially me). The project had lasted only one month, but (In hopes) it will revive in a matter of time (months <-- no joke). Kurowa-san and I have educational/Job matters that need attending to, for the work load has doubled and tripled in the last two months. For this I am dearly sorry for the let down. This was an experimental project that Kurowa-san and I thought of and it needs much time from the both of us if it were to go into full operation. Though this be true, please feel free to join my group and read/watch the prior threads/vids that were added to the group. I've sent you an invite so you may which to click on the envelop icon next to your name at the top of the page.

Posted 15 years ago

Tenshinoneko’s Details

December 11



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About Tenshinoneko
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I am an adult who has been saved by my lover............from the depths of Darkness......I LOVE angel VERY MUCH !!!!! MORE THAN ANYTHING !!!!!


ANYTHING ANIME and HAS TO DO WITH NEKOS !!!! nya nya nya....neko neko neko Me-OW! :3


I like Bleach, Shinigami, Death Note, Soul Eater, Full Metal Panic...Naruto..Etc etc.....NEKO


what ever my lover likes I WILL LIKE :3


Anything Anime =3 Neko neko neko nya nya nya come to the great cats village....Come join us :3 FOREVER BE A CAT and have All the milk u can drink at the karoke BAR NEKO NEKO NEKO Nya NYa NYA

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