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  • Updated: 13 years ago
  • Videos: 3
  • Viewable: US Only

[J Movie] Arch Angels

Synopsis: St. Michael's Academy is a pretty whimsical place where 100% reality is never an option. Thus, Arch Angels is appropriately chock full of CGI and various camera tricks to bring that unique fantasy world to life. The most obvious pitfall in a project like this with an inexperienced director is that the actors might get upstaged by the attention-grabbing scenery. The solution? Hire a cast of actors with attention-grabbing personalities. Juri Ueno was the perfect choice to play Fumio, having an eclectic enough personality to be believable as a straight-A-student, star athlete, and former newspaper delivery girl. Like Swing Girls, Arch Angels has a large cast of characters and you really need someone to be the undisputed center of attention for it to work. Ueno is once again up to the task.

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  • 01:20
    [J Movie] Arch Angels 3.3

    nergy-packed, pants-pissing funny, live-action manga adaptation that leaves no special effect unexploited to push the filmmakers’ artistic freedom to its limits. Amidst a curiously Dutch scenery, thre more »

  • 01:14
    [J Movie] Arch Angels 2.3

    nergy-packed, pants-pissing funny, live-action manga adaptation that leaves no special effect unexploited to push the filmmakers’ artistic freedom to its limits. Amidst a curiously Dutch scenery, thre more »

  • 00:02
    [J Movie] Arch Angels 1.3

    nergy-packed, pants-pissing funny, live-action manga adaptation that leaves no special effect unexploited to push the filmmakers’ artistic freedom to its limits. Amidst a curiously Dutch scenery, thre more »

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