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  • Updated: 5 years ago
  • Videos: 26
  • Viewable: US Only


While Kouhei ranks among the best in paranormal photography, hes never actually seen a ghost! So when he fails to capture a hauntingly beautiful young girl on camera, he knows there must be an explanation. Driven by curiosity, his spiritual insensitivity proves a curse indeed as the young photographer crosses barriers best left alone, stumbling into the arms of a haughty vampire and a world he cannot comprehend. The young vampire Hazuki, having waited years for someone to finally set her free, proves unwilling to part with her unwitting hero and follows him home, promptly adopting his life as her own. And as the adolescent vampire wreaks her own flavor of havoc, mysterious forces conspire to reclaim what was lost. Some riddles are best left unsolved.

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  • 24:32
    MoonPhase - s1e5 Its a Full, Full Moon (Sub)
    Episode: 5

    A servant of the fearsome Count Kinkel, Elfriede has come to retrieve Hazuki and return her to the castle. But the little vampire is less than agreeable, and a fierce and furry battle begins.

  • 24:32
    MoonPhase - s1e4 - Big Brother, I Feel Like Kissing (Eng Sub)
    Episode: 4

    Kouhei and his family welcome the young vampire and her newfound feline friend, Haiji, into the household, the only stipulation being that Hazuki must wear the cute little cat ears at all times.

  • 24:32
    MoonPhase - s1e3 - Big Brother, Let's Live Together (Eng Sub)
    Episode: 3

    As Kouhei learns more about his adopted sibling, Hazuki's memories awaken misplaced resentment.

  • 24:32
    MoonPhase - s1e2 - Call Me Mistress (Eng Sub)
    Episode: 2

    Unable to master Kouhei with her vampire wiles, Hazuki changes tactics, convincing the photographer to help gain her freedom with pleading and tears.

  • 24:32
    MoonPhase - s1e1 - Big Brother, Be My Slave (Eng Sub)
    Episode: 1

    When Kouhei fails to capture a hauntingly beautiful young girl on camera while on assignment in Germany, he knows there must be an explanation.

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