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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 1 yr ago


Ok here's a new one for you guys what is better the PS3, XboX360, or Wii? I personaly own a PS3 and a 360 and right now the game on the 360 are making it better. What do you guys think?

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added: 15 yrs ago


i dont know i dont have does systems but i did buy a psp some time back and man if i had known back then what i know now i would have kept the money in my pocket. As for my oppinion ps2 is still good enough for me but ill check again as soon as ps5 or 6 role off of the assembly line

added: 15 yrs ago


All of them are good it jus depends on the persons taste.

added: 15 yrs ago


ive always been a ps fan but ever since i got my xbox360 its ps who 4 da wii idk bout dat im stuck between getin another xbox360 or a ps3 or wii idk but xbox is on my number 1 list

added: 15 yrs ago


Well it really depends on what kind of games people like. If you love first person shooters and other games you can play online with other people, then they should get the Xbox 360. If you like party games and playing with your kids, then the Wii. But if you are really into JRPG's and Metal Gear Solid, then the PS3. personally I like the 360 the most because it haves alot of games I can play on it, like Dead Rising and DOA 4. I also like it the most because I'm the most comfortable with the Xbox controller.

added: 15 yrs ago


I own a 360, and I gotta tell you, its awsome. Right now, it has a good lineup of games to come out this year, that I can't wait for. Another reason is because of the games out for it

added: 15 yrs ago


I have a 360 wii and ps3.A wii is intteresting because it is interactive and fun to use. Downside is that its graphics aren't that good and not many good games. A 360 is awesome it has many good games amd great graphics.The downside is three rings of doom.They make it so after a year or two it will get the three rings of death,so you will send it to microsoft for 150$ or buy a new one.The ps3 is good has nice graphics good games but it doesnt have many games out for it. So they pretty much are all good and all bad.

added: 15 yrs ago


Xbox 360 and Wii

added: 15 yrs ago


well all 3 of them have something good that no other system has. i own a x360 and i already played the ps3 and wii but so far x360 is still the best out there. just like the other ppl said x360 has a better line-up than any other system right now. but who knows that might change in the future

added: 15 yrs ago


I like both systems to tell you the truth. PS3(bought if for Devil May Cry 4) and 360(bought it for Ninja Gaiden 2). Even if a game is multi-platform, I alternate buying the game for each system, no matter how good or different it is. No exceptions. It's actually a pretty cool idea if you think about it.

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