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Shishio's Custom Profile Group

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Groups > Howto
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751 - 760 of 814 Topics
added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago


What is the code for the "Post a Comment" box (where you type in the comments)? Not the actual "Comment" box where the comments comes up. Thanks.

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago


how can i make my background apart (loose) from my boxes, that only the boxes move up and down?

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago

ShishioKagezuchi manager

Ok, some people need some more time lol and I don't want them to rush; so take the weekend to do your pro last minute changes. I'll take final screenshots on Sunday night since some people need time; though I've already done a lot for the video so if you make changes it'd help if you lete me know on my page so I'd know for sure. I have Monday off so I can do/upload the vid on Monday morning instead of tonight.

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago


I noticed when on a friend's computer that not all profiles show up on the Firefox web browser. I know that Shishio has it, but I only got about a fifth of my css from his vids, so I don't know if my profile will work in it. Since Shishio's taking the screenshots for the contest video, I wanted to make sure my page worked on the browser he uses. I sent him a message, but I realize he's busy, so if someone with Firefox could check, I'd really appreciate it.

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago

ShishioKagezuchi manager

As we speak I am screen-shotting the contestants profiles for the voting vid in the CSS lesson, so if you entered have it done soon! You can last minute enter here but have your page down by Saturday evening please. If you already entered and need a little time tonight to add something you can send me a comment on it and I'll screen-shot the new one you have tomorrow. The video will be released probably Saturday within the weekend. Anyone can vote on the profile in the vid itself and it will be added to this group, probably between Saturday and Monday, and there will be a week to vote in it. Thanks all for helping out!

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago

ShishioKagezuchi manager

I have to give a big thanks to everyone here who tried my test upload "banner tutorial" and gave me proper feedback so I could learn how it interacts with other images and browsers. I learned a lot and I can do a more complete video with two kinds of banner image methods and the various options to change the position of the other profile parts with it. I'll work on this new tutorial ASAP. Special thanks to Chimera for the additional code help and Kyo and DiZ Productions for the new banner image code for working with Veohbody image; this stuff was absolutely crucial and has saved me many hours of my work! These will complete my lesson vid and make it work for everyone!

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago

ShishioKagezuchi manager

I noticed that the banner image code used in the new vid I made gives you a banner image but people are having issues with the sectionbody coming up in the image itself. This problem will go away if you have a lot of images on your pro, but I realize that not everyone has those yet as they are starting out BUT thanks to Kyo and DiZ Productions we have a new banner code that will work for you much better! It will also work for advanced CSS better too! I'll replace the code in the current banner video with it, and split that vid in two, it is much bigger but in the end will work better I think and I'll make it easy too. I need to test it out on more simple CSS first and then make sure it doesn't cause probs like the last one lol

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago


If you check out my profile you may notice that the "My Info Box" as in the .sectionbody, is on top of the entire page conflicting with the blue banner, how do i return the .sectionbody to normal?

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago


Now I know everyone here wants pics so that they can make a cool layout alright. Each week, I'll reveal a 2 or 3 websites (besides photobucket, imageshack, Flickr, etc.) where we find pics from. I'll even explain the site is mostly about. So I'll reveal 2 websites today. First off,, This website has a variety of selection of wallpapers such as Jpop, Jrock, and Kpop artists. The wallpapers here also have several former artists but this website is a freewallpaper site. So think of it as freewallpapers coming from Next we have, kind of the same description as the first one. Well that's it for this week, till next time then.

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 15 yrs ago


Welcome to first establishment of Layout and Wallpaper artist union. I'm the chairman of this fine establishment. Our page is undergoing various experimentations right now. Another code it involves the Veoh banner code has now just been discovered today so it may take a while to see if we can find a code that doesn't interfere with other codes. READ OUR PROFILE, the ABOUT ME, INTERESTS, etc. Well that's about says it for us. Oh, Contact me, Kyo, on this account "Finaldestiny87." Continued experimentation is undergoing on this account "jdjinkyo87"

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