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Hello there. Green Thing ( is a new, not-for-profit community that makes it easy and enjoyable to be a bit greener. Every month you'll get a different Green Thing to do. All you have to do is do it. Green Thing is an easy thing, a fun thing, a creative thing and a community thing. Green Thing is for anyone who wants to be a bit greener but hasn't found a way.

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added: 16 yrs ago
updated: 16 yrs ago


Most of the word scientist who took part in the UN report on global warming wanted their names removed from the subsequent conclusions it came to on the grounds that they didn't agree with its finding,even threatening to go to court to do so.Yes the sun does warm the earth and is also warming the rest of the planets in the solar system to the same degree as the earth.The polar ice caps on Mars are melting at the same rate as on earth perhaps your scientist with the brains of small galaxies can explain how supposed CO2 emissions on this planet are causing that.You obviously have a monitor and key board in front of you so try using it and find out the facts and stop believing the lies the politicians and their politically controlled media [BBC] are feeding you to introduce new levels of taxation and turn the clock back for the average person 100 years to a time when only the wealthy could afford a decent standard of living.

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added: 16 yrs ago
updated: 16 yrs ago


Hmmm, some astute observations evadb. I think we'd all agree that the sun does in fact warm the earth, well spotted. But I'm not sure that's the full extent of the warming most of the worlds leading scientists (who are probably too busy predicting the future with brains the size of small galaxies to live in the middle ages) are worried about. As for the "kioto" agreement, let's hope it gets "ratyfyed" soon.

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added: 16 yrs ago
updated: 16 yrs ago


Stick it out America tell them to stick the kioto accord where the sun don't shine,and thats the cause of global warming the SUN not CO2.Don't be conned from your cars and sit in the cold and dark because of the cost of fuel and utillity prices like the idiots in my country [ UK ]. Let the born again hippies and tree huggers in the above video live in the middle ages if they want,don't give up what you and your ancestors have fought for for generations because of a lie used to raise new levels of taxation.STUFF GREEN the only green are the people of all countries that believe this crap.

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