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Conspiracy theories and the fall of the rulers

On the way to "enlightenment", there is the great shock that you have been dumbed down and denied knolledge that can expand your life to unimagineable realities. Knolledge is liberty. The ruling elites survive on the mass ignorance and a huberous illusion of their superority, When you are able to come down from the shock and anger of self deception, you then make the decision to either become bitter, fatalistic and self destructive, or find out what is true and began to access knolledge that will set you free. Where is this knolledge? It's there with you now. All you need to do is learn to open up and access this knolledge. No matter where you look or think or feel, knolledge is there. As you progress down the videos, you will enter dark territory, It is necessary if you really want to have authentic hope. My videos start with a negative theme, but end up with a positive outcome. Benifit form your edventure!

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added: 15 yrs ago
updated: 1 yr ago

Josiah510 manager

Part 1: ALL RELIGIONS HAVE IN ONE WAY OR ANOTHER WERE CREATIONS OR CORRUPTIONS OF TRUE SPIRITUAL ENDEVORS BY THE ELITES FOR CONTROL OF THE MASSES. Laws, governments, dogmas were the outgrowth of elitest manipulation and perverson of spirituality. If you were one of the few who figured this out, there was the dead end philosophy of atheism, a debasement of critical and rational thinking to keep you, like religion, distracted. So what I'm saying is that yes, Mr. and Mrs Pike are bringing importaint and dangerous data, which I admire and respect them for. Yet, sadly thru another another religion that isn't so innocent it's self. And we have to work hard to seperate the truthful data from the christian myths that are inserted in this video. We can take the relevent information, yet disregard the bias toward another perverted religion. Yet, despite their bias, I thank Ted Pike's expose of this hideous ideology!

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